COPELAND FAREWELL TOUR May 8th 2010 at The Venue Concert Hall – Eldorado Bandung
Makasih buat nadapromotama yang udah ngebawa copeland ke indonesia. gak nyangka ini konser mereka pertama dan terakhir di indonesia, beruntung gw bisa nyaksiiin secara langsung, 20 lagu lebih mereka persembahkan sebagai tanda perpisahan.

gak jauh beda sama lagu yang tiap hari gw dengerin, konser ini cuma beda lebih ngerock, sesuai dengan genre musik mereka yang memang rock. puas banget gw nonton, ampir semua lagu fav gw dibawain sama mereka. intronya priceless, dan di akhir mereka bawain you have my attention.

take care
careful now
i'm a sucker for a kind of word
good morning fire eater
chin up
control freak
you love to sing
on safest ledge
the day i lost my voice (the suit case)
eat, sleep, repeat
pin your wings
when paula sparks
should you return
love affair
testing the srong ones
you have my attention

dibelain naek motor sampe lembang, ban kempes pula di jalan T_T plus ujan-ujanan. 2 jam berdiri gak kerasa, kaki gw pegel-pegel. tapi semuanya terbayar dengan aksi panggung aaron, jon, bryan ma stephen yang gak nanggung2. untuk beberapa lagu, aaron pegang keyboard, keren sekali :D

You have my attention
Like you’ve had all the while
Since that first day when you made my heart smile
With loving eyes and tired sighs that flow
You have my attention
Like a shout through an empty sanctuary
Speak but a whisper
I’ll hear a sermon
I’ll sing along, the whole day through
Just do your best to hear me
It’s all you can do
I’ll sing along, the whole night through
While you sleep safely
I’ll be thinking about you
You have my attention
Like you’ve had all the while
Since that first day when you made my heart smile
With loving eyes and tired sighs that flow
You have my attention
Like a shout through an empty sanctuary
Speak but a whisper
I’ll hear a sermon
I’ll sing along, the whole day through
Just do your best to hear me
It’s all you can do
I’ll sing along, the whole night through
While you sleep safely
I’ll be thinking about you
You have my attention
it's so nice to have their music in my mind. for their music and art, thanks to be a part of my life.
cieh,.... dasyat abesss blognya..... follow balik aqyu yah... hahahhahahahaha...