Down the road - Iceland

31 Okt 2016

Road trip — a way to draw closer the feeling of being far away from home. I enjoyed every moment when we take the road trip. Thus It's hard for me to fall asleep when we're on the road. And that is the time when my random thoughts circling around my head. 

Driving the ring road in Iceland by ourselves was our plan. But both of us cannot drive, so the only thing we can do to enjoy the road in Iceland is by taking bus tour. At first, we thought that we couldn't fully enjoy because of the "tour" thing. But, luckily we got an awesome driver and a tour guide that take us to some places that is not in the list and stop wherever there is a nice view (even it's just for 5 or 10 minutes). We also got the front - right seat, where Bre and I could see the road clearly without any obstacles. 

Some sceneries will take my eyes for long time. Then I'll take a deep breath, to make sure this isn't a dream.

And the road never makes me bored. 

9 komentar

  1. and all your posts never make me bored :D

  2. ASLI,, ini fotonya bagus amat,
    ngiri sama fotonya
    sama jalan2nya
    sama experience nya..

    wah,,, sekarang .. gue envy abis sm eropa
    kemaren2 engga X_X

    1. sal, semua foto ini gue ambil dari dalam bus (kecuali foto paling bawah), yang berarti gue beradu antara kecepatan bus yang jalan sama kaca jendela bus depan yang bisa jadi nongolin bayangin si supirnya. haha can you guess?

  3. Jiannn....................................
    untung aku gak kesana, bisa2 turun dari mobil gak balik-balik..
    Duh lokasi-nya memang bikin tukang foto gak mau beranjak ya

    1. setiap berapa meter gitu pengennya berhenti terus om. sepanjang jalan bagus, ada dua ratus lebih air terjun di pinggir jalan. jiaaaaan... seandainya bisa roadtrip sendiri hahaha

  4. Ya Allah keennnnn.....
    Surreal banget! Pengen ke Icelaaaaannnddd!

    1. deket dari UK, ga jauh sekali dari Indonesia hehehe
      pake wowair murceee mir, nunggu momen pas sigur ros konser di Iceland ya :)
