By the side of Kamo river I'm missing you.
It's really cold and I need your hugs so much!
I left home for more than a week. Leaving my partner (rather than a husband, i prefer this way to call him) to reach my another dream —traveling to Japan in Autumn. I didn't feel sad at all, because when I booked the ticket one year ago I already decided to go with my travel mate, Nisa. And this is the third time we are separated to travel by our selves (after we married).

Kami tiba pukul 15:25 dan bus berikutnya yang menuju Kyoto akan berangkat pukul 16:50 sesuai jadwal. Jadi kita hanya punya waktu kurang dari satu setengah jam to wander around in the heart of Takayama's old town. Hujan tidak mau berhenti tapi kita tak sedikitpun ragu melangkahkan kaki keluar dari terminal bus sambil menggendong tas depan dan tas belakang berukuran 35 liter ini. Jangan khawatir, kami selalu bawa payung kemana-mana.

It's like a magical oil painting
I traveled into another world
that I could no longer tell the difference between fantasy and reality